big, bold and bright

i met loki and angus with their momma bright and early on a chilly fall day in the beaches for our photoshoot/playdate.

loki (named for the norse god of mischief) suits her name. she is a bundle of energy and is obsessed (that’s putting it lightly) with her soft bite floppy disc. as long as it’s in sight she is running, jumping, barking and anxiously awaiting for it to be thrown. she buried it, dug it up again, lost it in the surf, braved the water to retrieve it, lept to the heavens for it, played tug-of-war with it. you would never guess in a million years that this pretty beagle/blue heeler cross is 9 years old.

angus, is a distinguished older gentleman who was rescued 7 months ago from a wonderful non-profit shelter in westfield, new york. the handsome 11 year old blue heeler has a gentle soul and laid back energy…definitely the yang to loki’s yin.

read angus’ rescue story, written by his momma, here.

we did the usual portrait photos first up, taking advantage of the morning shade. i started to get nervous as i watched as our patch get smaller and smaller as the sun got higher and higher. just so you know i almost never shoot in direct sunlight. so when the sun is finally up (big, bold and bright) i pack it in adn call it a day. but i decided to work with it and play around with some action shots. we all got wet and sandy!

why haven’t i done this before?! it was so much fun!    kelly001 kelly022 kelly009 kelly007

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6 comments on “big, bold and bright”

  1. Pingback: NCCR
  2. Gail says:

    FABULOUS photos….the dogs are gorgeous. Obvious how much they are loved and love in return.
    I remember seeing Angus in the newspaper and hoping he found just the right home, knowing that ACD’s are not for everyone.
    I adopted a Red Heeler 5 yrs ago from a kill shelter in KY. As I told my husband, was looking to rescue “just a plain brown dog that no one else wanted”. I found “Midge” on their website marked “URGENT!” They called her an ACD “mix”, which was fine with me. It was about 6 months later that I stumbled upon someone in the south who is a rescuer, but formerly a breeder of Heelers. She asked to see a photo of our Midge. She wrote back that Midge was *definitely* a purebred and sent a photo of one of her former champions for comparison. They were identical. I never knew…or really cared that much. But now I know that I love the breed….adore them….but a more laid back Heeler suits our family better.
    Fun to see your pictures and I wish you many, many more happy years with Loki and Angus.
    Gail Clark

  3. Agnes Timar says:

    I love your work, Marcia. When my dog gets a bit older, I will book you for a session.


  4. Helen Williamson says:

    Love the pic’s of Angus,Loki and of course Kim. I am an old friend of Kim’s we went to school together. I had actually seen your pic’s on kim’s fb acct, loved them right away (to say the least). So I was just wondering if it’s only “pet” shoot or if you do other types of pic’s. My goal is to help you with your work and lol my mothers dog is like a more important family member than her biological children, so thought I might get her some shoots of her dog and she as a gift. She has a group of similar friends that I know would find this of intrest. I was also thinking of doing a semi family shoot. I am unwell so to speak so I figure get em done while I still can convince myself that am a knock out lol. Look forward to hearing from you and if things go according to my plan I’m sure I can find more intrest with my mothers other friends.

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